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In prima mea spatamana la liceu un coleg mi-a aratat aceasta problema de logica...Problema e ca nu stiu cum sa o consumat o jum...
Transfăgărăşanul (trans + făgăraş) sau DN7C este unul din cele mai spectaculoase drumuri din România. Drumul leagă regiunea istoric...
Some people in Constanta live in their own house but most people live in flats they own or rent. My name is Victor Jones and I live ina lar...
Astazi va avea loc lansarea noul smartphone al companiei Apple. Odata cu lansarea iPhone 5 ar putea creste si economia Statelor Unite. Ana...
In 2012 we should to died according scientists words. There are many damage who threaten our planet. - One great damage s...
Bran Castle, one of the most valuble monumets of arhitecture from Romania, with historical feature, military and econimic, is known worldw...
Da, ieri am zis ca azi voi pune un tutorial despre cum sa va faceti propriul vostru Shuriken. Iata-l: Pentru inceput aveti nevoie de urm...
Ten sheep masacreed for a unedentified creature. Is what terrified farmers and Russian.
Informatii Soseaua Transalpina : harta Transalpina, imagini live Transalpina, cat e Transalpina de asfaltata, vremea Transalpina, poze Tra...
EN: Protective ozone layer in the upper atmosphere above a Arctic Cicle present, for fisrt time since it is monitored, a similar hole that...