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vineri, 30 septembrie 2011

Lesson 5

Sarah: Hello
Carrie: Hello, Sarah. How are you?
Sarah: I`m fine, thank you. You?
Carrie: I`m fine, too. Where are you going?
Sarah: I`m going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us?
Carrie:Maybe. Who is your friend?
Sarah: You don`t know her?This is my friend Jenny.
Carrie:Hi, Jenny. Nice to meet you
Jenny: Nice to meet you, too.Carrie
Carrie: Ok, girls. I`m going with you the cinema.


Thank you - multumesc
I`m fine - sunt bine
Too - deasemenea
cinema - cinematograf
to come - aveni
With - cu
us - noi
maybe - poate
who - cine
friend - prieten
to know - a cunoaste , a stii
hey - ea
Nice to meet you - ma bucur sa te cunosc
to go - a merge
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