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vineri, 30 septembrie 2011


Present sipme

Actiunea se petrece in general.

Afirmativ: SB + vb la treut (vb neregulate primesc terminatia ed)
I wanted to learn
interogativ: do/does(pers a 3a) + SB
Do you want to go?
negativ: don`t/doesn`t +SB
I dont`t want to go

Present Continous

Actiunea se petrece in timpul vorbirii.

Afirnmativ SB +vb ing
I`m Working
Interogativ SB + BE + vb ing
Are you working?
Negativ : SB + not +vb ing
I`m not working

Past simple

Actiunea s`a desfasurat in trecut si s`a incheiat.

Afirmativ: SB +vb inf
I was busy yesterday.
interogativ: Did+SB+ vb inf
Did you see him yesterday?
negativ: SB+didn`t+vb inf
I didn`t learn last week.

Past Continous

Actiunea s`a desfasurat intr`un anumit moment din trecut.

Afirmativ: SB+ was + vb (cu term ing)
I was walking when you saw me.
Interogativ Was/were+sb +vb(cu term ing)
What were you doing yesterday at 2?
Negativ: SB+wasn`t/weren`t+ vb(cu term ing)
I wasn`t learning yesterday at 2.

Present perfect simple

Actiunea s`a desfasurat in trecut nu s`a incheiat si are legatura cu prezentul

Afirmativ: SB+ have/has+ vb ing/ed
I have just arrived.
Intergativ: HAve/has+ SB+ vbing/ed
Has she learning?
Negativ:SB+haven`t/hasn`t_vb ing/ed
I haven`t arrived yet.

Present perfect continous

Actriunea a inceput in trecut se continua si in prezent poate si in viitor.

Afirmativ: SB+have/has+been+vb ing
I have been reading for tem minutes.
Interogativ: Have/has_SB+benn+vb ing
How long have you waiting for him?
Negativ: Sb+haven`t/hasn`t+been+vb ing
She hasn`t been waiting for ten minutes.

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